SIT Staff

by Divisa IT



Application intended for clients, collaborators and staff of SIT Grupo Empresarial, to allow access to its collaboration platform. This platform allows the creation of spaces where users can openly participate and leave opinions, debate with other users and upload videos, images or documents that favor the exchange of information within the different communities.Users will also be able to communicate directly with each other and in real time thanks to the instant messaging service offered by the platform, where notifications will be received when a user wants to contact us, even if the application is closed thanks to push notifications.Certain communities will be available in subscription mode, so that users can sign up and participate in them, being able to unsubscribe at any time. Depending on the type of community, the user will be able to access directly or will need validation from the community administrator.Users will be able to create different types of comments in each community, from writing just a text and / or attaching any type of document, to including information on an event, such as its start and end date, periodicity, or even attach a location to said event by selecting a point on the map.In addition to subscribing to existing communities, users may request the creation of new communities that must be validated by the platform administrator before being visible to other users. Once created, the author will be the administrator of said community and will be able to moderate its content, as well as the members or participants in said community. Of course, the end user will be the one who has the last word to accept or reject the invitation to participate in a community.